Saturday, November 25, 2017

November 22 ~ Transfer 11 Week 5

Happy thanksgiving!

So this week I realized just how quickly the time is flying by while here in Spain...two years goes by fast! 

So it's been about a week and a half since the last time I could write but here's the update:

On last Monday we went to Sol, the center of Madrid and checked out the cool places there. We found the oldest standing restaurant in Europe. We also found an American store and stocked up on A&W cream soda, (almost grabbed Jones soda but I put it back haha), hot tamales, pop tarts, marshmallow fluff from Boston, sweet tarts, Pringles, Snyder pretzels, Mac & cheese, nerds, nerd rope, Reeses, syrup. Just some really really good stuff. I say stocked up but we really didn't haha.

Ya so...i don't really remember much of what has happened since I last wrote. I'm trying to remember the good stuff...

This week we bought christmas lights to make the Light the World poster more attractive. It looks really really good at night and people love coming up to it to see what It is. It was such an engineer designed project. It was hilarious trying to do the math and measure where all the lights go because it took way too long to do the mental math than it should have. But it worked out really really well.

As for the missionary work we don't have many new people we are working with. Things have been quite slow. Lets just say that of our 3 friends we are working with, none of them have been able to meet with us for this past month. But we have been working a lot with the members and trying to help them to get excited about doing the Christmas initiative! I'll explain more next week. And I'll probably post something to Facebook about it this week.

He of my favorite lessons this week was with the new assistant to the ward mission leader. He is a boss. We went to family's home and had a family home evening with them. We assigned him the lesson and we followed up but he already had everything prepared. He taught it really well and prepared really really well for it. He was the key to helping the family out tonight. They really were touched by the message. It seems like we are making progress with them.

Also at church I found a missionary of Grandpa Openshaw's! He was the office secretary.

Monday, we tried to organize a soccer game in the afternoon but it didn't work out so well. We invited 16-18 people and only 1 showed up. And 30mins late hahahaha. We also tried to invite Eduardo (Elder Snyder's family friend) but we told him not to come because literally no one was there. So Elder Snyder and I kicked the ball around a bit waiting for the people to come who confirmed with us - we made the best of the situation. When our friend did show up we played a quick game with him and teach him a bit, follow up on what we've been talking to him about.

Yesterday I made arepas for the first time haha and they turned out pretty good. I know most of you have no clue what arepas are but they are like fried corn tortillas more or less.

And today we went to the temple and that was much needed. And then afterwards we playing football and soccer. It was quite fun. Well I'm sorry this is kind of a boring email this week haha. Have a great week and enjoy your thanksgiving!

Elder Openshaw 

1)a sign in the metro - the top part translates to "don't let anyone take your stuff" but they translated it to "don't get groped". #fail
2)the light the world poster!
3)the Guinness world record restaurant 
4)the American food we got our hands on haha

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 13, 2017 ~ Transfer 11 Week 4

Here's a not so quick update haha:

Hi all!

So this week was pretty eventful.

We went to Alcala de Hernares, the land of Don Quixote (or at least Miguel Cervantes the author). We went out there on a whim and none of the other missionaries happened to be there so we called up Davis's (the senior couple). They had just gotten out of working for the day and Elder Davis offered to show us around. He took us on a nice little tour and we saw more stuff than we would have just wondering around aimlessly on our own. We were very thankful. Pretty cool little place.

Then Pday ends and we have a great lesson with the Oliva family for a Noche de Hogar. We waited for the mom to get home so Luis (the 6 year-old) brought out nerf guns and we had a little Nerf war while the dog ran around eating all the bullets hahaha. So the wife gets there, we eat and we share a quick message about how we need to have faith (we used a can of food and slammed it on elder Snyder's finger - really hard - and he didn't feel anything, it's a cool lesson). They were pretty impressed and wondered if it really didn't hurt Elder Snyder hahaha.

Intercambios/exchanges with the zone leaders. It went well.
We had a lesson with Helen and she moved here from Africa (the zone leaders are teaching her). We did the lesson in mostly English. Her English sometimes was very hard for me to understand haha. But basically we went to her bar and it's this little walk-in bar, no lights on. It looks like there just never is any business. And we go to the back and have our lesson at some tables. Her two kids were there and were super excited about the lesson and the teachings. The lesson went well and I felt the spirit testify to me of the love that God has for each of his children. Helen is awesome, she has known missionaries for about 17 years (we don't think she was ever taught) and she always refers people to the church and some people have actually went to church from her referrals and invitations. What a boss.

And then Elder Waters and I put up English class posters on the telephone poles. Apparently it actually works! We had one guy chase us down and say (in spanish) "are you the guys who teach English class?, what time is it at, I'm interested." It was pretty cool to see that we were doing something that people actually noticed (because many times it feels like what we do just gets ignored).

Wednesday/Thursday: for the sake of time I'm not going to explain these days because they were fairly normal.

Friday: we had zone conference! We talked about the Christmas initiative we are going to do and we watched the new Christmas video. And we also talked about working better with the members and helping them out more. It was a great conference. I had to miss part of it to do my residency which was pretty sad but the part I was there for was really really good. haha it's hard  to explain what I learned.

Saturday: it was the baptism of Keyla! (An investagator of the hermanas). The baptism went really really well but it let you know the opposition that we went through before, here's what I wrote in my journal:
Then we went to set up for the baptism of Keyla. Basically we had to clean the font out and then fill it up. Thing is we went to go practice a musical number and while we practiced the font we thought well...we can't really unplug it because we would have to enter with missionary clothes on. Next option? Using buckets. We used huge buckets and spooning out the water until it was at a good height. We had a fire line of buckets going to the bathroom where I dumped the water down the toilet. I missed the toilet twice and that made a mini flood haha. And then as I tried to take one bucket, I didn't pick it up enough and it tipped and ran all down my legs and the stairs. It was chaos. But I was wearing my black suit so at least you couldn't tell that I was soaked. Haha

But after that everything went well. And everyone showed up at 6:30pm instead of 6pm when it was supposed to start haha.

Sunday: It was the primary program this week and so the little kids shared what they learned throughout the year in primary and sang a bunch of songs. Lots of kids running around and chaos but it was a normal primary program. The kids were so cute getting up to the mic and reading scriptures and what not.

Funny moments: basically everyday here in B4 I've gotten a spider web to the face while walking in the street. Like everyday. And I try to avoid areas that it might happen and I still happen to find one haha.

Alright, so bear with me because I know I didn't pick small quotes to share this week and I know this is already the length of an essay. I wanted to share some thoughts I had while studying the scriptures.  The following talks about Jesus Christ and how He was treated so terribly but yet because of Him comes everything that is good. Christ suffered for us so that we can return to live with Him and Heavenly Father forever. But He didn't suffer for us so that our lives could be easy, He suffered so that our lives could be possible. Without Him, we would have no hope, no second chances, no life. He is completely necessary. I know that if we will turn to Him in prayer that He can offer us the relief that we need. I know that because I have experienced it. And so I invite you to turn to God in prayer and ask for help and guidance in your life and I promise you will receive it.

(Christ - how he was treated)
Mosiah 14: 3-7
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows; yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth.

(Without Him we all would perish without any hope)
Mosiah 15:19 For were it not for the redemption which he hath made for his people, which was prepared from the foundation of the world, I say unto you, were it not for this, all mankind must have perished.

(Because Christ overcame death, everyone will be resurrected again. Death has no sting)
Mosiah 16:7-9
7 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection.
8 But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.
9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.

If you have any questions about any of this I'm happy to answer them!

Love ya all! I hope you got something out of this.
Have an awesome week!
Elder Openshaw

November 6, 2017 ~ Transfer 11 Week 3

Hi all!

So this week was fairly normal. A lot of trying to get ahold of people to meet with and a lot of texts and calls that weren't returned haha. Oh well.  A lot of uncompleted thoughts but here you go =)

Some miracles this week:
We found Andres! (Sort of). We were looking for a dude named Andres that I lost. From Venezuela and got here recently. Well we were on the metro and we were trying to walk down to get a better spot and there were a ton of people in the way so we stayed where we were. And then we say down and started talking with Andres. He's not the same Andres from 2 weeks ago but he's from the same city in Venezuela as the other Andres. Our prayers were answered to find "Andres" but not quite the answer we were looking for hahaha. But how many days do you find a young man named Andres from the same place and has been here for the same amount of time and that it wasn't the same person. Not often.


After a lesson with some members we rushed over to Parque Berlin to meet with Maria Ines. Super cool experience. We were planning our lesson for her and we originally planned "How to begin teaching" and the restoration but we didn't feel right about it. So in the end we decided just to talk about Jesus and so we used 2 Nefi 2. We got there a bit late and we didn't see her there. We called her and no answer. Then we waited a bit longer and she showed up! And while talking with her she said, "I talked to my pastor and he said I could meet with you guys as long as you talk about Jesus". And we said perfect, that's the message we have for you today! And we started how to begin teaching and she brought up some questions/comments that were right there in 2 Nefi 2. And she even noticed and said, "there are no coincidences, God knew what I needed today". Here's one of my favorite scriptures out of that chapter:

2 nephi 2: 27" Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
It really just explains how because of Christ, we have the opportunity to choose what we want. We can choose good or evil. Good choices lead us to more freedom and closer to our Heavenly Father, bad/evil choices lead us away from God and causes more and more misery/unhappiness.


We got to do serve this week! (Quite uncommon here). We were helping in a shelter that helps young moms in bad situations. So we were sorting diaper sizes and moving food around and it was super easy but it meant a lot to them. We actually didn't have anything to do that day so it was a blessing that we got the call inviting us to help go serve.


Also it's seems that everyone we talk to doesn't live in our area or they decide to move the week or two after we meet. We are still having a hard time finding more people to teach. Super frustrating but I guess we are just helping a lot of other areas find more friends to teach haha. Literally, 3-4 people have moved right after we started teaching them haha. And the rest have been super lazy or don't respond.

And a funny story or two:
After Pday we went to the Oliva family and we taught them OLA using the rice and golf balls. And we ate Peruvian food (the dish that has the name "gallina" in it, I can't remember right now). It was a ton of food. And then we had flan (and we were super full already). And my companion tried to suck it up in one go because they challenged him to it and I did the same and it was surprisingly easy haha. I got it on my first try slurping it whole haha.

When trying to get ahold of some friends some young men were daring each other to do things. And one got dared to come up to us and talk to us. He asked if we had seen any keys around on the ground (as if he had lost them). Hahaha. But..then we finish calling people and the young men are still hanging around the park so my companion asks tries the same thing on them and they all laughed. It was pretty funny. Also at that same park and during making the calls there was this pitbull that came and sat under my legs. And it was super calm until it saw another dog and then it would jolt out unexpectly and try to bite the other dogs hahaha. A little crazy. And then the owner would come running and cursing at it.

I learned a lot this week but a lot of it is hard to explain over email. But I know that God answers prayers and answers the questions we have. We just have to seek earnestly. During one of my studies I had a specific question and the answer I got was as specific as that question. Try it some time. Study and really think about the scriptures that you read. And ask questions. And I know that you can find the answers you seek.

Well, have a great week! Love you guys!

Elder Openshaw

October 30, 2017 ~ Transfer 11 Week 2

Hey all!

We had quite a few miracles and blessings that happened this week. For example:

From Monday: We headed back home from the park, and we were waiting for the metro. We were responding to a message sent from a set of missionaries earlier that day. And then we hop on the train and right in front of us on the same car and same train were these two elders. I hadn't seen them in about a year. How awesome. It was not a coincidence. For some reason we were supposed to find them. But we took them back to piso and one of the elders (who served here before) enjoyed remembering everything about the piso (he served here about a year ago).

Tuesday: This morning we went to the Registro civil (a government building) and thankfully this time they were open (huge blessing, we've passed by quite a few times) And the people at the security were really really nice! The lady asked if we were Jws and we said no, we are Mormons and she was commenting on how sharp we looked haha. We got the papers so that Angie (investagator) and Luis Angel can get married. So now they are super excited about get the process done! 

Wednesday: We went to talk to people in the ghetto called "la Uva" (the grape haha). It's a gypsy town and it's just trashed. We got some hard rejections and then we came across an old lady named Maria Jesus and she was super super nice and let us in. And so we gave her a Book of Mormon and talked about it a little bit. She told us a ton of stories. And then we tried to get her number to talk with her another time and it took probably 20 mins because she kept getting side tracked. And then she shows us all her sons' numbers as if we were able to get to know her sons better through their numbers hahaha. We found out that for one of the sons we already have his number! He is a future investagator (not sure how long along). But how many times do you go to the middle of-no-where and you find a random Spanish lady who let's you in and the missionaries have already talked with her son before...not by chance that's for sure. A miracle.

Thursday: we were talking with people near the airport and we say hi to this older lady and her grandson and she stops us. We find out she's from Honduras and has a relative that is serving a mission. She showed us where they live and invited us to come back one day. And we had lessons. That's a blessing.

Friday: background: last Friday I lost a number of a man that was super awesome. Basically I learned that you can't dial the number without service or it erases...super lame. I was ticked and sad at the same time. But this Friday we went at the same time on the same metro and the same stop and everything- expecting to find him. Nothing. But we did find a Dominican man who met with the missionaries about 2 years ago.  

Saturday: We ate Peruvian food with some members. Chicha morada, lomo saltado, papa a la huacuaina. Super good. Blesings.

Sunday: we had a noche de hogar (a bonding activity with friends and family) in hermana Maria's home. She made some morir soñando which is a Dominican drink with milk, ice, lemon & orange juice and tons of sugar. Really good. But we were able to get a good amount of friends there so that was a lot of fun. And it was good to help our friends get to know some of the members.

So all of those were a ton of blessings and miracles. Now for the funny parts:

We passed by a Dominican bar and we made friends with a DR dude named Monkey (his nickname). 

While talking with people in the street we found a dude who plays American football here in madrid! Quite cool! He plays for the team out of Coslada I think.

One of the funniest conversations was with a Peruvian on a bench. My companion told me to talk to him and so I went up to him. The conversation wasn't all that funny but as we were talking there was this really short Spaniard man who walked right by us and stuck his cane in the bush behind the bench. He pulls out a crate and a wooden fold up chair. And then he leaves haha. It was super wierd but funny =) like a little leprechaun. And to add to it I started the conversations by saying "Hey, where is the street...oh no...i forgot the name...oh no..." and then I asked him where he was from hahaha. It was great. I had no intention of asking the street name, I couldn't think of a way to start the conversation. And I found out he is from Peru and lives in our area! What a blessing.

In the metro a girl walks buy with a sign and a big smile that says: "regalo abrazos" (I give free hugs). I thought that was cool.

And then there is this young girl in the ward here named Cristina (not the real name) who is in love with my companion. She was sneaking pictures of him during lunch with her family and at the end when waiting for the elevator she comes out and takes a selfie with him. I tried to get in the picture but she angled it away from me hahaha.

And a quick thought:
These two scriptures I've really come to like this past week or so. This first one talks about God preparing His children to hear his word.

Alma 16: 16-17
16 And there was no inequality among them; the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming—
17 That they might not be hardened against the word, that they might not be unbelieving, and go on to destruction, but that they might receive the word with joy, and as a branch be grafted into the true vine, that they might enter into the rest of the Lord their God.

Heavenly Father really does know his children and what they need. He prepares each of them to hear His guidance if they want it. I know that He can guide us today in whatever it is. Sometimes it's easy to think "wow, the prophets are so ancient how would they know anything I'm going through when they wrote the scriptures so long ago?". But I'm here to tell you that the prophets of the scriptures really did see our day. They wrote the scriptures for our benefit and enjoyment. They wrote to scriptures as the words of God because they were guided in what to write.

2 Nephi 4:15 And upon these I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children. the scriptures so you can get the guide from Heavenly Father that you want in your life. =) I know it work. That if we read and pray, searching for our answers to even normal questions or questions we don't think have an application from the scriptures - that the answer will come. Sometimes it takes time. Sometimes the answers don't come how or when we want them. But they come.

Have a great week!

Elder Openshaw

1) turtles!
2) a wierd donut shaped thing
3) morir soñando - noche de hogar activity 
4) more morir soñando