Hey everyone!
This week wasn't without it's challenges but we definitely had some miracles happen! Here's some random funny moments!
-We met the most believing person I have ever met in Spain. Long story but basically what happened is that she was so happy to meet us that she basically was in tears and she gave us some preaching/preacher advice and then chased after us to say a prayer with her in the middle of the sketchest place in our area hahahaha. But it was great. It was a really positive experience.
-Funny moment: we were walking down the street and a lady in a black dress stops and takes a selfie....she made a duck face and had tomate Frito (tomato soup) and all-purpose cleaner in her hand...I can only wonder the story behind that hahahaha.
-One day, on the walk back home to piso I told my companion he wouldn't say "Aloha!" to everyone that walked by. It just happened to be that a group of jovenes were walking by and he did it to them hahaha it was hilarious.
-That moment when England scores a goal and all the people in the bars and buildings in Costa del Silencio (one of the towns in my area) shout all around us...That's how you tell how tourist-y a place is...
-We were walking to the church and we were stopped by an italian and we had a full Italian conversation with this guy. He spoke in italian and we spoke in spanish haha. I understood about 50%. But we got through it alright. Haha
-Then we went to a member's home to eat - we rang the timbre 2 mins late and the wife shouts into the mic "A comer!" (Let's eat!) And she rings us in hahaha. And also the dessert today was store bought apple strudel...she tells us that her homemade one is way better than this one....and we figured out why really quick... it was still raw! But we pretended everything was fine and we forced it down haha. The dough was very chewy haha.
Analogy/reality: Knocking doors is like ding-dong ditching without the ditching haha
Miracle Sunday: We had two miracles.
One: for the past 2 weeks we have been texting "Jose" who we thought was Obispo's friend Jose. Apparently it was a future investagator that the elders had never met with before...and he came to church! And that's how we found out it was the wrong Jose hahahaha. So that was funny.
And two: one of our friends we are teaching (the family that we have started to meet with because we passed them our phone number when we were waiting at a bus stop and they passed by) told the young wwomen's president that she wants to get baptized. So...that's super cool. And their whole family came today! Including the dad! For second hour we talked to the dad about his doubts. We've been teaching them and they are great. It's been such a miracle that we were able to find them and that they are so prepared to accept the gospel. The mom used to go to the church when she was in her home country but then she moved and she hadn't found the church here. But now they keep coming so things are going great with them! It's so awesome to see how happy they are as a family when they come to church.
Also, we went to Monkey park today. That was fun haha. The baboon didn't like my companion...hahaha. And my companion didn't do anything to it, it just started going crazy haha.
A scripture that I really appreciate is Romans 1:16:
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ because it's the only way that each and everyone of us can live with our Heavenly Father once again and and with our families forever. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each and everyone of us.
Isaiah 55:8-9
8 ¶ For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Some times his plan is different than ours, but his plan is always better. And in the end it will always benefit us to follow what His plan is because we have a have limited view on life compared to our loving Heavenly Father. Something else that I liked this week was said "You know you are on the right path if its uphill" because honestly that's how it is sometimes. The things that are better for us often aren't the easier things.
I know that Heavenly Father loves us and He sees better than we do. We just have to trust Him.
With care,
Elder Openshaw
Monkey Park!